estonia women nightlife

Step-by-Step Guide to Start Dating Estonian Women

Estonia is one of the three Baltic republics, along with Latvia and Lithuania. With a population of 1,3 million, it has managed to become one of the most advanced and richest countries in Europe. Its unique culture and lifestyle differ from anything you have seen in the West. This is what makes dating Estonian women quite tricky for a foreigner.

Every country has pretty women with unique features, but there’s just something special about Baltic ladies that you can’t get enough of. Whether it is a mix of Scandinavian (familiar to Finnish women), Western and Eastern European features or cultural conservatism, local beauties know how to be charming and even mysterious. In this guide, we will try to spill all the details on what a relationship with Estonian women actually looks like.


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Female Population0.701 mln
Popular CitiesTallinn, Tartu, Narva
Most Popular Dating AppBadoo
Average Age of Marriage for Women33.6

Determining Estonian Women

If you have very limited knowledge about Estonians and the country itself, you are about to encounter many surprises. Let’s check some qualities that make local girls in Estonia some of the most attractive women around the world.


While Russian women or Latin spend a few hours a day messing with their appearance, Estonian women are quite comfortable in their own skin. They don’t waste so much time and money on doing make-up or choosing clothes. Nevertheless, Estonia women look anything you imagine yet always catch the attention with their exceptional charisma and charm.

When you meet Estonian women for the first time, you will be mesmerized by their beauty. An average girl here is a slim, blonde-haired, fair-skinned, and blue-eyed goddess. 

Estonian women

She also has an above-average height and strong physics that still looks feminine. This kind of beauty can be easily explained by an interesting blend of Scandinavian, Danish and German features. No wonder that you can’t but fall in love with one of them the moment you see her. Of course, not all Estonian women are created equal, which means that you can easily find the desired features in the diversified Estonian population.



If you are ready to have a long-term relationship, you surely want to find a partner with particular views and beliefs. This is what makes Estonian girls such a popular choice among men with serious intentions. From early childhood, these women dream about their future family life, reliable partners, and healthy children. Despite having a traditional image of an ideal family, they remain quite independent. Changeable weather conditions and dramatic history of Estonia have influenced inner strength and self-reliance of local women. These women got used to paving their way up themselves, relying exceptionally on their knowledge and skills. In fact, they have a unique skill to juggle several tasks at once. So, don’t be surprised to see your wife equally investing time in her family routine and career.

Being somewhere in the middle between disciplined ladies and hot chicks, Estonian women are not afraid of saying what’s on their mind. This is where dating Estonian women can turn into a real challenge. Behind the cold appearance, you will discover a real volcano. Nevertheless, with an in-born sense of discipline, Estonian ladies are perfect candidates for dating and marriage. If they say “I love you,” they really mean it.

Estonian Women infographics


Even though Estonia is quite a small country, it has become a popular tourist destination, especially for Western Europeans. Most local people are well-educated and speak foreign languages. Compared to Slavic women, they are not afraid of starting a conversation with foreigners. 

Western men who decide to visit Estonia always pay attention to Estonia women. Being kind-hearted and soft-spoken creatures, these women can be easily compared with angels. They are naturally calm and have an excellent upbringing to refrain from arguing or swearing in a public place. Instead, they choose to calmly discuss things with you even if the conversation goes in the wrong direction.

Most of the women in Estonia are introverts, which makes them look a bit cold and reserved.

But if their family, friends, or even strangers ask them for help, they will never refuse it. They show respect to everyone due to their pure intention to turn this world into a better place.

Estonian Girls

Estonian vs other women

Estonian women are often compared to Slavic women, but they actually have more in common with Swedish and German ones. While it can be hard to recognize an Estonian woman to an untrained eye, it is quite easy to notice Slavic women in a crowd. As you can see, these beauties come from different worlds. Estonian women have a “cold” appearance that has more parallels with Scandinavian features. Part of that is because Estonia is a northern country. Generally, Estonian women are like a mix of Scandinavian beauty, Western European delicacy, and Eastern European femininity.

Statistics You Should Know About Estonian Women

What do you think about ladies like Carmen Kass and Tiiu Kuik? Aren’t they charming and elegant? These ladies are from Estonia, a small country with charming women living there. Before you start looking for your Estonian woman for dating, discover some interesting info about them:

  • Problems with marriage. Better conditions for women and improved gender equality allow women to pursue their careers. It’s quite often that women might delay their marriage plans, or in some cases, they don’t even want to get married. Only 39% of people eligible for this are married. This shows that Estonian women are less interested in marriage. This is quite a low rate when compared to other EU members. What’s more, half of the couples living together are married. In other words, women prefer a more pragmatic approach to dating without a perspective on marriage.
  • Divorce rates. The marriage rate isn’t the only problem regarding Estonian women. The concept of marriage is seen as less appealing to them. This can be also shown with a higher rate of divorce that’s about 49 per 100 marriages. Actually, the fact that Estonia is among the least religious countries explains why traditional values don’t stick. It’s clear that Estonian women are more interested in maintaining relationships but not interested in marriages. They have their own attitude towards conventional values. Still, the good news is that the divorce rate is better now than several years ago. Much is complicated in this country, but that doesn’t make Estonian women less appealing.
  • Fertility rate. The fertility rate in Estonia is about 1.6 kids per woman. You might think that it’s quite low, but when compared to other countries, Estonia is doing better. One of the facts that explain the low rates is the first age marriage increase among Estonian women. The average age at first marriage is about 33. So, women have kids after they’re 30. Interestingly, this age was about 20 in 1979, and in more than 30 years, the age increased up to 13 years.

Meet Estonian Girls

Now that you have a better understanding of Estonian girls, you surely want to know where they hide from you in Estonia. Tallinn is probably the best place to start your love adventure. But if you prefer the small town atmosphere, you should consider visiting Tartu, Narva, and Parnu. In summer, this can be a great place to meet locals because many of them prefer to escape from a busy city life to the suburbs. Luckily, most Estonians study the English language at school and university, which makes it easier for you to find a common language with them. So, where exactly can you find a hot chick in Estonia?


The night game in Tallinn is full of adventures. Once you visit local cafes, restaurants, bars, and clubs, you will find lots of Estonian women, Finns, Swedes, Norwegians, Hungarian, French, and Russians there. If you decide to taste the nightlife in Tallinn, you have two options to choose from: The Old Town and the New Town. The Old Town is full of action, although the local facilities offer quite high prices. In the New Town, you’ll find lots of hipster bars and electronic clubs with more affordable price politics. Regardless of your budget, you will find the most suitable place for yourself. Hurry up to see the list of facilities where you can meet the best Tallinn women:

  • Venus Club
  • Club Hollywood
  • Café Amigo
  • Teater Club
  • Baila at Sauna
  • Sigmund Freud
beautiful estonian women


During warm, sunny days, the Old Town can be a great area for “love hunting.” You will be able to meet some sexy Estonian women there. Alternatively, you can try to find some nice girls at shopping centers like:

  • Viru Keskus
  • Ülemiste Centre
  • Rocca al Mare
  • Solaris
  • Kristiine Centre

You can also have a walk at Tammsaare Park that is located between Viru Kesus and Solaris. This is the place where lots of women meet to have some quality time together.

Ülemiste keskus


While visiting Estonia and stepping into a relationship straight away don’t work for everyone, you should get an idea first of what it is like to date an Estonian woman. While local girls are fine with the idea of dating foreigners, they use online platforms for finding potential boyfriends and husbands abroad. Ideally, you should register on a few dating sites and start talking to local women there. You can chat, make a video call, and get to know them in an online format. No need to say how much time and money you can save. If you meet a nice Estonian girl, you can get to know her better online. So, when you are ready to visit her in Estonia, you will be prepared for meeting Estonian beauties. After all, this person won’t be a complete stranger to you.


Dating tips to win Estonia Woman’s heart

After learning what to expect from Estonian women and where to find them, it’s time to take action. By following the tips below, you will be ready for almost any situation in Estonia:

  • Get used to their lifestyle. They like having a busy life where they always have something to do. It is in your very best interests to get used to it. These women surely don’t want to see a couch-potato next to them. Even if you are not that into physical activities, that’s absolutely fine. But there should be at least one hobby that both of you can enjoy together. Whether it is going for a walk every morning or playing tennis, you can use any chance to spend some quality time together.
  • Don’t rush with flirting. Don’t try to impress her with dirty jokes or nasty compliments. Otherwise, she may think that you are looking for a fast fling and nothing more. If you want her to trust you, you should take things slowly. Estonian women prefer to get to know you better before they consider having something serious with you. This is the case when the wait is totally worth it. When an Estonian girl starts giving you some romantic hints, she automatically gives you the green light.
  • Behave like a gentleman. When it comes to meeting Estonian beauties, you should always behave like a gentleman. By showing your best behavior, you have higher chances of impressing her. It doesn’t mean that you should pretend to be someone else. Just learn to do some basic things like opening a door for her, taking her coat off, complimenting her style, and laughing at her jokes. After all, every woman wants her partner to treat her nicely.
  • Don’t try to take the lead. Even though Estonian women look quite reserved and modest, they want to be equal in a relationship with a man. They don’t like it when their partner is too pushy by trying to control them in everything. They want a man to be the head of the family, but it doesn’t mean that he can tell them what to do. If Estonian women notice something like this in your relationship, they will tell you directly what they think about it.
  • Make compliments. There is nothing bad about giving out compliments to an Estonian girl. The main point here is not to focus on complimenting her beauty as she has many other things to offer. For example, you can make a compliment about her style, intelligence, cooking skills, or jokes.

The final thoughts on dating Estonian women

Estonia may not exactly be the favorite tourist destination, but it surely has beautiful women to be charmed by. While it seems a little bit difficult to find the right approach to these ladies, it is well worth it. Despite looking a bit cold and arrogant, Estonian beauties are known for being perfect wives and mothers with traditional values. These women have enough love and care for everyone, so you will never regret your choice.

Jennifer Joy Butler

Jennifer Joy Butler

Jennifer Joy Butler is a professional Love & Empowerment Coach who works at She’s an owner of this platform at the same time. One of her purposes on this platform is to help people regain their motives to live on, be happy, and find their soulmates. She’s a professional coach who can motivate people to change their perspectives to become better people in the end.

  1. I would like to learn more about Estonian women. What are my odds if I’m 45 years old and interested in getting married to one of these Baltic women?

  2. It was interesting to read through the statistics on Estonian women. What can be other reasons that explain such a higher level of divorce?

  3. How much will it cost me to go to Estonia and stay there for one month? Is it affordable? I hope you’re providing travel guides and a detailed list of costs.

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